Posts Tagged ‘last’

Last night I saw the new movie The Last Airbender. I think that this is one of the best movies M. Night Shyamalan has done since the hit “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. Over all I thought that the movie was very entertaining with an intriguing plot as well. Shyamalan did a good job of keeping the movie in balance with the show, because its very hard to make a movie with seriousness and putting in a little humor to spice it up. I think that all of the actors portrayed thier characters perfectly, like Jackson Rathbone ( Twilight Saga) as Sokka and Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire) as Prince Zuko. Also, the visual effects of the movie were amazing. They really put a lot of work into this movie. so over all, I give this movie two thumbs up.