Posts Tagged ‘review’

Last night I saw the new movie The Last Airbender. I think that this is one of the best movies M. Night Shyamalan has done since the hit “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. Over all I thought that the movie was very entertaining with an intriguing plot as well. Shyamalan did a good job of keeping the movie in balance with the show, because its very hard to make a movie with seriousness and putting in a little humor to spice it up. I think that all of the actors portrayed thier characters perfectly, like Jackson Rathbone ( Twilight Saga) as Sokka and Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire) as Prince Zuko. Also, the visual effects of the movie were amazing. They really put a lot of work into this movie. so over all, I give this movie two thumbs up.

Movie Review of The A-Team

Posted: June 24, 2010 in Movie Reviews
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Last Friday I saw the new movie The A-Team. Over all I thought it was a very good action movie that mostly consisted of stuff being blown up. But that’s what made it awesome! The story line was a little bit hard to follow at times, but never boring! I thought most of the actors were fitting to their part. I was a little unsure about Liam Neeson as Lt. John “Hannibal” Smith, but he did a pretty good job. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson was good as B.A. Baracus although this was his firt time acting on the big screen. I don’t know why they cast Sharlto Copley as Murdock. he was only in one other movie as a small part in “District 9”. I’m not saying he didn’t do a good job or anything, because he really seemed like he was crazy in the movie, but it’s just strange that he is so unknown. I also thought Bradley Cooper was good as Lt. Templeton “Faceman” Peck. I like him as an actor because he can play a variety of characters in different kinds of films. He can be in comedies like “The Hangover”, or chick-fliks like “He’s Just Not That Into You”. Jessica Biel played Cpt. Charisa Sosa and Bradley Cooper’s love interest. So I applaude this movie and give it two thumbs up.


Iron Man 2 Review

Posted: May 9, 2010 in Movie Reviews
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Yesterday I saw the new movie Iron Man 2 and let me just tell you, WOW! It was an amazing movie. Any Marvel fan who loves action and cool effects will love this movie. And it wasn’t just the action scenes that I liked, the story line was great too. And all the actors seemed perfect for their character. Plus I liked Don Cheadle way better than Terrence Howard as Rhodey. It also has a lot of comedy laced through it. So I give this movie 5 stars.